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Top 5 Anti-Romance Movies Of All-Time
By JinjinNov. 26 2018, Updated 4:28 p.m. ET
Got your heart broken? It sucks to have someone steal your heart away then stomp it with a stick. We all had our share of pains and anxieties: the late-night loneliness, the romantic nostalgia, and the fact that every little thing reminds you of that person. Cinema can be a great assistance when it comes to the five stages of grief. However, all that seems to be on the big screen these days are romantic comedies with cliche dialogue and unrealistic plot lines. Don’t get me wrong: I like romantic comedies as much as the ne-t girl. But days like this I’ve had enough about romance, and I just need some anti-romance films to see the downside of saying “I love you.”
Here are the top 5 anti-romance movies of all-time:

Photo credit: American Cinematheque – Blogger
If you think you can trust somebody, you’ll think twice after watching this movie. You fall in love and get married to a dreamy actor, then find a dainty little apartment in New York City. Next thing you know, your husband is forcing containment food down your throat. And of course, plotting together with your evil neighbors to sell your body and first born to the devil for social mobility.

A modern remake of Mozart’s tragic opera Cosi Fan Tutti, Closer, follows four main characters tangled in a crazy knot who inevitably hurt each other. The fear of betrayal makes the characters act like a bunch of babies, which makes them somewhat unlikeable. However, they do have many relatable moments. In the end, the movie just leaves you in distress and wondering: Is it worth it to love someone? Does everyone cheat?

Photo credit: YouTube
Theodore is a lonely writer who falls in love with a computer system. As the computer system begins to develop more complicated feelings, the relationship attains ingredients for a total disaster. Nowadays, even computers can break your heart. The movie captures how after the honeymoon phase, the love slowly fades.

Photo credit: AnOther Magazine
Love Witch is filmed in Technicolor thriller of the ’60s style. The protagonist is a witch that is determined to find a man that loves her. She makes spells and potions then use it on any guy she lays her eyes on. Although it works every time, the potion is too strong, leaving a string of dead men. The movie explores female fantasy and the repercussions of pathological narcissism.

Photo credit: Films in Films
Something I noticed in a relationship is that one person always loves the other one more. It’s impossible to come out of a relationship scot-free, whether you are the dumper or the dumpee. Why do we always fall for the ones that have commitment issues regardless of all the warning signs? We are always in the hope that we are the special one that will rock our partner’s world; thus, when it turns out we are not, all the anger and sorrow rush through at once. However, 500 Days of Summer is more of a healing movie: after summer goes, autumn comes.