Top 3 Apps Every Woman Needs
By Kayla DaviesSept. 22 2017, Updated 4:35 p.m. ET
Listen up ladies! Here are the top three apps you can download on your phone to help relax your mind, body and soul.Working 9 to 5, five days a week gets pretty exhausting and frustrating at times! Women are supposed to stay calm and beautiful 24/7 when in reality you actually want to rip your hair out from stress, or eat anything chocolate. This results in no sleep, baggy eyes, and no more fitting into your skinny jeans!
Everyone needs to meditate! What meditation does is it allows you to practice thinking in the moment, letting go of the past, and to be thankful. The app called Calm is an amazing for meditation! When you first download the app you have 7 free days of guided meditations for 10 minutes each. After you finish your week you can either buy packages, or you can pick different categories you want to work on for free! They have endless options for types of meditations, or relaxing sounds. I firmly believe if you can meditate for atleast 10 minutes every other day you can enjoy your life in the present moment. This is perfect for when you have a headache after a stressful day at work.

What you put into your body is very important because it can translate to how you look and feel. I discovered an app called Foodstand that provides food facts and tips to live a healthier lifestyle. Dieting can only take you so far and before you know it you’ll be back to where you started after binge eating! This app motivates users to take different challenges like avoiding soda or packing lunches. Users check into the app everytime they eat and keep a record of how the challenges made them feel.

Yoga is probably the easiest way to exercise for someone that is either lazy or does not have a lot of time to go to the gym. The app called, Lotus Yoga features differet types of yoga classes that users can try whether it is to sweat or have a quick stress-free session. It also keeps track of which types of yoga you already excersized so that it is easier to find. You can also create a schedule on a calendar with what variety you want for the month. There are also pictures of poses you can try with the name of them and the level as well as what each pose focuses on.