Photo Cred: Daria Nepriakhina/ Unsplash
Instagram Upsets “Influencers” Who Live On “Likes”
By Johana LJuly 18 2019, Published 11:12 p.m. ET
Instagram pulled a legendary move by testing how users would react to their total likes and video views being hidden. I don’t use the term legendary loosely here because while Instagram has its normal users, it also has its “regular” users. You know. The ones writing letters to hotels for free stays. Influencers.
My stance on Instagram doing this, I don’t care. I use Instagram purely for myself and the people I know. Up until about a month ago, my account was on private. I view Instagram as a virtual scrapbook. They’re my opinions, and memories. No one needs to like or agree with me for me to express myself. Do “likes” feel good? Hell yeah they do! Shoot up that dopamine! But at the end of the day, I hang out with a select few, and likes from strangers are nice but….whatever. I don’t care about fake approval.
On the other hand, influencers are having a total meltdown.
Take this controversial republican kid for instance:
Does he realize that wanting the feature removed and getting angry that it was removed are two sides of the same coin? We could just not have Instagram. It’s not that serious.
ABC further reports on how influencers are feeling about this. Influencer Jem Wolfies (who I will NOT be linking because her posts are NSFW) states:
-“I know it takes a little longer to comment than it does to double tap but this is my business and numbers help me gauge what you like and don’t like. All your comments and love mean the world to me.”
“I know it takes a little longer to comment than it does to double tap but this is my business and numbers help me gauge what you like and don’t like. All your comments and love mean the world to me.”
I’d really like to know what these people do without Instagram because it’s adding up to nothing.
Posting for strangers and telling them that their comments and love mean the world to you, is fake. And bizarre. You don’t know most of those people. How can their social media reacts and comments mean the world to you? I understand if they make you feel special. That’s always a nice feeling. And it’s real. But to mean the world to you? Please, elaborate. Because this sh*t sounds fake.