5 Things Guys Do If They Actually Like You!
By Kayla DaviesSept. 14 2017, Published 6:46 p.m. ET
Hey ladies! Every now and then I have girl talk with my girls and there’s always the question: Does he actually even like me? And my answer is this: You would know if he actually likes you! Men are oblivious creatures but if they are into someone they will make it obvious. Here are 5 basic signs to tell if a guy likes you!
1. He texts you- This may sound like a given but many females believe that men need space and what not but at the end of the day if he really likes you he will donate two minutes to text you and hear how YOU are doing. It does not have to be everyday but at least like once a week.

Guy Texting Girl
2. He initiates plans with you- Many times I find myself caught up in this and I assume hanging out with someone can be transulated into anything like friendship, hook ups or something more complicated however, it could just mean he enjoys spending time with you. It is okay to initiate plans yourself from time to time but it should be equal. Don’t miss out on other engagements if he never askes you first to hang out!

3. Shows chivalry- Chivalry does not neccessarily have to be a night in shiny armor but it can be little things like opening the door for you or paying for your drinks at the bar. If he keeps walking you to the door or rings your door bell instead of waiting in his car he must like you a little bit.

4. Checks if you are okay- This one could stretch in any direction. If he tells you to let him know when you get home after hanging out so he knows you got back alright or just randomly texting you wondering how you have been doing or how that interview went you told him about a week ago.

“Hey how did that interview go?”
5. Smiles- This also sounds like a no brainer but many guys I have met do NOT smile I mean look at their Facebook pictures! Many guys have a mean looking smirk in their photos and do not smile much unless it is genuine so if you make him smile he probably likes you a little.

Ryan Gosling Smiles:)