via 2DopeBoys.com
10 Things Guys Do When Texting
By Rhamer BernardezJune 22 2017, Updated 3:15 a.m. ET
Ladies, when you are texting bae and thinking, “Gosh is this too soon? Am I being annoying? What’s he doing? Is he nervous or is it just me?”, know that he is in the same boat. Men are not as complicated as we think they might be. They do the same things you do: wait to respond to a message, ask advice from friends on what to text back, and constantly use autocorrect.
You might wonder what your man is up to when he’s texting you or what his tactics are. Here are the top 10 things guys do when they’re texting:
1. Who really deals with real names? : Have you ever met a guy at a bar and labelled him, “Guy at the bar”? Well ladies, men do just the same. You aren’t his girlfriend, and he’s not your boyfriend, so why stay on a first name basis? If you call him and he responses with, “Hey you,” don’t feel bad becuase you do the same!

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2. He’s waiting a long time to respond because you waited a long time to respond. : Just because you decided that replying right away is “too soon”, he decided the same thing. Now you two are playing the “Waiting Game”. So next time he text’s you, just respond when you see it, stop playing.

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3. “Guy Talk” is a thing. : Men talk to their guy friends about your messages. Of course they don’t ritually sit in the corner of a room and huddle around to decode your messages one by one, but they will talk about it on the car ride to the movies or when they’re out with friends.

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4. Autocorrect is a universal tool that men take advantage of. : If you think that your man’s grammar is on-point, try turning off his autocorrect. He 100% relies on autocorrect to make sure his spelling makes enough sense for you to read.

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5. “I’m just getting out of the shower,” doesn’t mean what you think it does. : He saw your text, forgot to respond to you, and now he feels bad. “Just getting out of the shower,” is one of the many excuses that he will give you because he forgot about your message. Cut him some slack, nobody’s perfect.

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6. Emojis will save his ass. : When he has nothing else to say or wants to come across as delightful, the string of emojis is not because he’s trying to be awkward. Sometimes an emoji says it better than words.

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7. Nude pics aren’t subtle, but he’ll send them anyway. : Just so you know where his brain is, a nude pic or two might be headed to your phone. He’s trying to let you know that he wants some action in bed tonight.

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8. He is 100% funnier when texting v. in real life. : It’s easy to keep up a conversation over text because you have time to respond and think about what you’re going to say. Don’t be surprised if you two are having dinner and there are long moments of silence between questions.

via DailyEdge.com
9. The accidental text he sent really wasn’t on accident. : You know when you send a guy a message you’re too scared to send him, but do it anyway? Yea, he does that and claims it was an accident to make you think it wasn’t meant to be. Keep that in mind.

via Seventeen.com
10. No, he really isn’t too busy to text you. : Sometimes guys just wait around to text you back because he doesn’t feel like responding in that moment or want to get into a full blown conversation.

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